Friday, 24 February 2017



1.   A bene placito = “from one who has been pleased well”

2.   Abusus non tollit usum = Abuse does not preclude proper use.

3.   A caelo usque ad centrum = from the sky to the centre.

4.   A capite ad calcem = from head to heel.

5.   A contrario = from the opposite.

6.   A fortiori = from the stronger.

7.   Abundans cautela non nocet = abundant caution does not harm.

8.   Acta santorum = deeds of the saints.

9.   Acta non verba = actions not words.

10.                Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea = the act is not guilty unless the mind is also guilty.

11.                Ad interim = for meantime.

12.                Adsum =     I am here.

13.                Agnus Dei = Lamb of God.
15.                Amor est vitae essential = love is the essence of life.

16.                Amor et melle et felle est fecundissmismus = love is rich with both honey and venom.

17.                Amor patriae = love of one’s country.

18.                Ante bellum = before the war.

19.                Aqua vitae = water of life.

20.                Aquila non capit muscas = an eagle does not catch flies.

21.                Aut via inveniam aut faciam = I will find a way or I will make one.

22.                Aut vincere aut mori = either to conquer or to die.

23.                Beatus homo qui invenit sapentiam = blessed is the man who finds wisdom.

24.                Caritas Christi = the love of God.

25.                Carpe diem = seize the day.

26.                Carpe noctem = seize the night,

27.                Causa mortis = cause of death.

28.                Cave canem = beware of dog.

29.                Certum est quod certum reddi potest = it is certain if it is capable of being rendered certain.

30.                Cessante rationale legis cessat ipsa lex = when the reason for the law ceases the law itself ceases.

31.                Christus Rex = Christ the King.

32.                Cogito ergo sum = I think therefore I am.

33.                Concordial cum veritate = in harmony with truth.

34.                Condemnant quod non intellegunt = they condemn what they do not understand.

35.                Consummatum est = it is completed or finished.

36.                Contra spem spero = hope against hope.

37.                Cor ad cor loquitur = heart speaks to heart.

38.                Corruptio optima pessima = the corruption of the best is the worst.

39.                Cred in Unum Deum = I believe in one God.

40.                Crescat scientia vita exclatur = let knowledge grow, let life be enriched.

41.                Cruci dum spiro fido = While I trust in the cross, I have life.

42.                Cucullus non facit monachum = the hood does not make the monk.

43.                Cura peronalis = care for the whole person.

44.                Cura te impsum = take care of your own self.

45.                Curriculum vitae = course of life.

46.                Dat Deus incrementum = God grants the increase.

47.                Dei gratia = god’s grace.

48.                Deo gratias = thanks be to God.

49.                Dictum meum pactum = my word is my bond.

50.                Diem Ex Dei = day of God.

51.                Disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus = learn as if always going to live, live as if going to die tomorrow.

52.                Ditat dues = God enriches.

53.                Docendo disco, scibendo cogito = Ilearn by teaching, think by writing.

54.                Dominus illuminatio mea = the Lord is my light.

55.                Dona nobis pacem = give us peace.

56.                Ductus exemplo = leadership by example.

57.                Dulce bellum inexpertis = war is sweet to the inexperienced.

58.                Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori = It is sweet and honorable to die for the fatherland.

59.                Dum spiro spero = while I breathe, I hope.

60.                Dum vita est, spes est = while there is life there is hope.

61.                Ecce Homo = behold the man.

62.                Ex abundantia enim cordis os loquitur = for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

63.                Ex nihilo nihil fit = nothing may come from nothing.

64.                Exercitus sine duce corpus est sine spiritu = an army without leader is like a body without spirit.

65.                Extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur = he who administers justice outside of his territory is disobeyed with impunity.

66.                Falsus unum, falsus in omnibus = false in one thing, false in everything.

67.                Fiat justitia et pereat mundus = let justice be done even should the world perish.

68.                Fiat justitia ruat caelum = let justice be done even should the sky fall.

69.                Fiat lux = let there be light.

70.                In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum = into your hands I entrust my spirit.

71.                Ipsa scientia potestas est = knowledge itself is power.

72.                Ignorantia legis non excusat = ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

73.                Juris ignorantia est cum jus nostrum ignoramus = It is ignorance of the law when we do not know our own rights.

74.                Justitia omnibus = justice for all.

75.                Labor omnia vincit = work conquers all things.
76.                Lapsus linguae = slip of the tongue.

77.                Leges sine moribus vanae = laws without morals are vain

78.                Lex non scripta = law that has not been written.

79.                Lupus non mordet lupum = wolf does not bite a wolf.

80.                Malum quo communius eo peius = the more common an evil is, the worse it is.

81.                Manus manum lavat = one hand washes the other.

82.                Media vita in morte sumus = in the midst of our lives we die.

83.                Mens sana in corpora sano = sound mind in a sound body.

84.                Missit me Dominus = the Lord had sent me.

85.                Mors vincit omnia = death conquers all.

86.                Multum in parvo = much in little.

87.                Ne cede malis do not give in to misfortune.

88.                Nemo dat quod non habet = no one gives what he does not have.

89.                Nemo judex in sua causa = no man shall be a judge in his own case.

90.                Nemo nisi per amicitiam cognoscitur = no one learns except by friendship.

91.                Nihil dicit = he says nothing.

92.                Nihil obstat = nothing prevents.

93.                Nil admirari = be surprised at nothing.

94.                Nil desperandum nothing must be despaired at.

95.                Nil satis nisi optimum = nothing enough unless the best.

96.                Nil sine numine = nothing without the divine will.

97.                Nil volentibus arduum = nothing is impossible for the willing.

98.                Nisi Dominus frustra = without the Lord, it is in vain.
99.                Non bis in idem = cannot be litigated

100.             Non facias malum ut inde fiat bonum = you should not make evil in order that good may be made from it.

101.             Non in legend sed in intelligendo legis consistunt = the laws depend not on being read but on being understood.

102.             Non liquet = not proven.

103.             Non progredi est regredi = to not go forward is to go backward.

104.             Non scholae sed vitae discimus = we learn not for school but for life.

105.             Non vi sed verbo = not through violence but through the word alone.

106.             Homo nosce te ipsum = man know thyself.

107.             Nulla dies sine linea = not a day without a line drawn.

108.             Nulli secundus = second to none.

109.             Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege = no crime, no punishment without law.

110.             Omne ignotum pro magnifico = every unknown thing is taken for great.

111.             Omnia dicta fortiori si dicta Latina = everything said is stronger if said in Latin.

112.             Omnia munda mundis = everything is pure to the pure.

113.             Ophidia in herba = a snake in the grass.

114.             Opus Dei = the work of God.

115.             Orbital dictum = the entire judgement of the court.

116.             Ordo ab chao = out of chaos comes order.

117.             Pecta sunt servanda = agreement must be kept.

118.             Parva sub ingenti = the small under the huge ie the weak are under the protection of the strong.

119.             Pater peccavi = father, I have sinned.

120.             Pax vobiscum = peace be with you (plural).

121.             Pax tecum = peace be with you (singular).

122.             Per ardua ad astra = through adversity to the stars.

123.             Per aspera ad astra = through hardships to the stars.

124.             Per defintionem = by definition.

125.             Post cibum = after food.

126.             Praemonitus praemunitus = forewarned is forearmed.

127.             Primum non nocero = first do no harm.

128.             Primus inter pares = first among equals.

129.             Pro bono publico = for the public good.

130.             Pro deo et patria = for God and country.

131.             Provehito in altum = lunch forward into the deep.

132.             Pulvis et umbra sumus = we are dust and shadow.

133.             Punctum saliens = essential point.

134.             Quaerite primum regnum Dei = seek ye first the kingdom of God.

135.             Qaque hora (qh) = every hour.

136.             Quaque mane (qm) = every morning.

137.             Quaque nocte = every night.

138.             Quaque die (qd) = everyday.

139.             Qui tacet consentire videtur = he who is silent is taken to agree.

140.             Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum viditur = whatever has been said in Latin seems deep.

141.             Quo vadis = where are you going?

142.             Quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D) = which was to be demonstrated Also : WWWWW = Which Was What We Wanted.

143.             Quod erat faciendum (Q.E.F) = which was to be done.

144.             Quod licet lovi non licet bovi = What is permitted to Jupiter is not permitted to an ox.

145.             Quod me nutrit me destruit = what nourishes me destroys me.

146.             Quomodo vales = how are you?

147.             Quod natura non dat Samantica non praestat = what nature does not give Salamanca does not provide.

148.             Radix malorum est cupiditas = greed is the root of all evil.

149.             Ratio legis = basis of the law.

150.             Ratio disdendi = the basic decision of the court (the court order)

151.             Regnat populous = the people rule.

152.             Repetitio est mater studiorum = repetition is the mother of study.

153.             Requiescat in pace = let him rest in peace.

154.             Res ipsa loquitur = the thing speaks for itself.

155.             Res judicata = judged thing = double jeopardy.

156.             .

157.             Respice finem = look back at the end.

158.             Momento mori = remember your death.

159.             Res nullius = nobody’s thing.

160.             Terra nullius = nobody’s land.

161.             Salus populi suprema lex esto = the welfare of the people is to be the highest law.

162.             Salvato mundi = savior of the world.

163.             Sapere aude = dare to be wise.

164.             Sapientia et Doctrina = wisdom and learning.

165.             Dictum sapient sat est = a word is enough to the wise.

166.             Servus servorum Dei = servants of the servants of God (title for the pope).

167.             Semper excelcius = always higher.

168.             Semper fidelis = always faithful.

169.             Semper paratus always prepared.

170.             Semper reformanda = always reforming.

171.             Si tacuisses philosophus manisses = if you had kept your silence you would have stayed a philosopher.
172.             Si vis pacem para bellum = if you want peace, prepare for war.
173.             Sic vita est = such is life (whether good or bad).

174.             Silentium est aureum = silence is golden.

175.             Sine ira et studio = without anger and fondness (impartially).

176.             Sine scientia ars nihil est = without knowledge skill is nothing.

177.             Sit venia verbo = may there be forgiveness for the word.

178.             Solas = the five solas of the protestants reformation.

179.             Sola fide = by faith alone.

180.             Sola gratia = by grace alone (a teaching that salvation is an unearned gift, not a direct result of merit).

181.             Sola scriptura = by scripture alone (a teaching that the
Bible is the ultimate authority, not the pope or tradition).

182.             Soli Deo gloria = glory to God alone (a teaching that God is the creator of all things and deserves all the praise).

183.             Solus Christus = Christ alone (a teaching that Jesus is the only mediator between God and mankind).

184.             Spectemur agendo = let us be judged by our deeds.

185.             Spes anchora vitae = hope is the anchor of life.

186.             Spiritus mundi = spirit of the world.

187.             Spiritus ubi vult spirat = the spirit spreads wherever it wants.
188.             Stipendium peccati mors est = the wages of sin is death.

189.             Strenius ardus cedunt = the heights yield to endeavour (the level one attains in life is a product of one’s hard work).

190.             Stupor mundi = wonders of the world.

191.             Sub Cruce Lumen = the light under the cross.

192.             Sub specie aeternitatis = under the sight of eternity (from eternity’s point of view).

193.             Summum  bonum = supreme good.

194.             Summum malum = supreme evil.

195.             Supero omnia = I surpass everything.

196.             Surgam = I shall rise.

197.             Suum cuique tribuere = to render every man his due.

198.             Tabula rasa = scraped tablet.

199.             Temet nosce = know thyself.

200.             Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis = the times are changing and we change in them.
201.             Tempus edax rerum = time devourer of all things.

202.             Tempus fugit = time flees.

203.             Tempus rerum imperator = time commander of all things.

204.             Tempus vernum = summer time.

205.             Tempus volat hora fugit = time flies, the hour flees.

206.             Terra incognitia = unknown land.

207.             Tertium non datur = a third is not given (either true or false).

208.             Timid mater non flet = a coward’s mother does not weep.

209.             Timor mortis conturbat me = the fear of death confounds me.

210.             Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audenitor ito = you should not give in to evils, but proceed ever more boldly against them.

211.             Tuebor = I will protect.

212.             Ubertas et fidelitas = fertility and faithfulness.

213.             Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est = where there is charity and love, God is there.

214.             Ubi mel ibi apes = where there is honey, there are bees.

215.             Ubi non accusatory ibi non iudex = where there is no accuser, there is no judge.

216.             Ubi sunt = where are they?

217.             Una salus victis nullam sperare salute = the only safety tor the conquered is to hope for no safety.

218.             Ultimo mense = in the last month.

219.             Ultra vires = beyond power (without authority).

220.             Unus mutorum = one of many (an average person).

221.             Usus magister est optimus = practice makes perfect.

222.             Ut prosim = that I may serve.

223.             Ut res magis valeat quam pereat = that the matter may have effect rather than fail.

224.             Ut supra = as above.

225.             Vade ad formicam = go to the ant (to learn hardwork).
226.             Vade mecum = go with me.

227.             Vade retro Satana = go behind me Satan!

228.             Vae victis  = woe to the conquered.

229.             Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas = vanity of vanities all is vanity.

230.             Veni vidi vici = I came, I saw, I conquered.

231.             Vera causa = true cause.

232.             Verba Volant, scripta manent = words fly away, writings remain.

233.             Verbatim et literatim = word by word and letter by letter.

234.             Verbi divini minister = servant of the divine Word.

235.             Verbum Dei = Word of God.

236.             Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum (VDMA) = The Word of the Lord Endures Forever (Motto of Lutheran Reformation).

237.             Veritas = truth.

238.             Veritas omnia vincit = truth defeats all things.

239.             Veritas, unitas, caritas = truth, unity, love.

240.             Veritas vos liberabit = The truth will set you free.

241.             Veritate et virtute = with truth and courage.

242.             Versus = against.

243.             Veto = I forbid.

244.             Vi very universum vivus vici = by the power of truth, I, a living man have conquered the universe.

245.             Via, veritas and vitae = way, truth, life.

246.             Victoria aut mors = victory or death.

247.             Victoria Concordia crscit = victory comes from harmony.

248.             Vide infra = see below.

249.             Vide supra = see above.

250.             Video sed non credo = I see it but I don’t believe it.

251.             Video et taceo = I see and keep silent.

252.             Vim promvet insitam = promote one’s innate power.

253.             Videre licet = It is permitted to see.

254.             Vincit qui se vincit = he that conquers himself conquers.

255.             Virtus unita fortiori = virtue united is stronger.

256.             Vis legis = power of the law.

257.             Viva voce = living voice.

258.             Vivat crescat floreat = may it live grow and flourish.

259.             Vivat Rex = may the king live!

260.             Vox clamantu in deserto = the voice of the one shouting in the desert.

261.             Vox populi vox Dei = the voice of the people is the voice of God.

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